Tuesday, December 20, 2005

her name is allie...

but I just call her "little cat."
I wish I could upload the picture of her on my new digital camera (thanks, Leah and Chad) so that you all could appreciate her cuteness.
I'm not really a cat fan: I've always lived in a house with dogs. She just looked so cold there in the snow on our porch. She shivered and meowed, and I couldn't leave her out there all night. To be honest, I thought she belonged to the guy who lives in the downstairs apartment. Sure enough, after I'd taken care of her for a couple of days, he came up and claimed her. Well, he said she belonged to him but that he didn't want her. Twelve hour days at work and a bigger bossier cat were his reasons. Did I want her? I looked over at her, hiding under the table from him, and I just couldn't give her back.
But now I'm searching for a home for the little cat. She's really a good girl. She goes potty in the litter box only. She doesn't chew things up or break things. She's soft and cuddly and friendly. She learns quickly not to climb up on the counters or table-- at least when I'm around. :-) But I'm outvoted by the allergies, the anti-little-cat friends, and a roommate that's never lived with an animal in the house and is bizarrely freaked out by the fact that Allie doesn't just sit still and look cute like a stuffed toy.
So today I put up a sign at work, and surprisingly, I cried twice today thinking about it. It will be even more traumatic when I have to give her up, but better a good home where she will be loved than the animal shelter or the snow bank where my neighbor will send her.
I know all the cliches about old maids and cats, but there is something to be said for having a physical being of some kind around that loves me unconditionally. To come home to something that wants to show me affection is very addicting. To know that being with me makes one little cat totally and completely happy is, well, somehow amazingly cheering.
ok. now I've cried three times today about this.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Never blog when you're ticked off.
Now I break the rule by doing just that on my break at work.
I'm ticked off about women. Some women just don't know when to stay out of stuff. They think that every opinion that they have on any issue is worth sharing. They jump into every situation bursting with "holy" ferocity and "righteous" indignation. Maybe the reason I get so ticked off about these women is that I have a natural inclination to be one. Fortunately, God has surrounded me with wise people who help me check my instinctive urges to argue and has given me common sense to listen to them. He may at some time give me a husband who will help me protect my reputation and conscience by keeping me accountable for my words. But some of these women ARE married.
So now I'm ticked off about the wimpy husbands of some of these big mouthed women. :-)
Axiom 2: If you must blog when ticked off do it on your own blog.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

single focused

It was this quote from Samuel Johnson's Rasselas on singleness that helped me finally decide to do it.
"To live without feeling or exciting sympathy, to be fortunate without adding to the felicity of others, or afflicted without tasting the balm of pity, is a state more gloomy than solitude; it is not retreat, but exclusion from mankind. Marriage has many pains, but celibacy has no pleasures."

Yep. I'm going to write a book. I'm going to write a book about being single. Truly there are many great authors who have written on this subject. (Elisabeth Elliot's Quest for Love; Margaret Clarkson's So You're Single as just a couple of examples) They give Biblical advice and wisdom about having the correct perspective on this situation. In no way can anything that I have to say compare to what one of these godly women has to say on this subject. I'm not going to write a "how to be single" book or a "why are you single" book or even a "how to not be single anymore" book. I really don't know enough to do that. I'd just like to write a memoir type book that gives a view into what types of issues single Christians face, an easily read, interesting book that would let another married Christian understand how to better help me to glorify God. I'd like it to be a book filled with humor and contentment, not complaints, that another single Christian could read and be encouraged in the joy of the Lord. I've always thought that I'd better wait to write. Someday when I have more wisdom, more holiness, more discretion, more experience, then I'll write. But I guess it wouldn't hurt me to express myself on an issue, knowing that as I grow in the Lord that I will understand more and that I will probably change my mind with added maturity someday.

I'm just letting you know way in advance about my book writing intentions, so don't get too excited yet. I don't even know all of the topics which will be covered in this epic. Chapter possibilities include:
Hospitality and the Single Christian--Do it. How to do it. How to extend it to singles you know. Special feature of this chapter includes the sad poem "Sunday Afternoon, The Loneliest Hours".

"If You Were Only _________" (thinner, fatter, holier, happier, prettier, smarter, quieter, louder, you fill in...)--Advice given by well meaning people who love you on how to catch a man. How to give it to a single person. How not to give it to a single person. How to grow from it as a single person. How not to focus upon it as a single person.

The Joy of Children-- Enjoy the children in your church. Rejoice even in not having children. Be a blessing as a babysitter. Don't make a career of babysitting.

Friday night adventures-- what can Christian singles find to do for fun while everyone else is out getting drunk? Lots of great personal experience stories here.

Fighting the sins that will destroy you-- discontent, bitterness, sexual immorality, rebellion.

Well, my ignorance is already showing. Maybe I won't write. But I'll think about it. If this project is something I believe will contribute to God's glory maybe I will try it out.