Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Questions My Students Ask

I've been here three months now. As expected, it's about time for a little bump or two in adjusting. It's the time when your mind seems to say, "Wow, that was fun. Now it's time to go home." And you tell yourself, "No, this is home." I haven't experienced as much struggle with this as I thought that I would, but lately I do find myself struggling a bit inside and recognize it as this phase of adjusting. I am very thankful for past experiences (hurrah BYWAV!) that help me to understand a little of what I'm going through and to deal with it better.

On the lighter side, I often each lunch with different groups of my students. They ask me lots of questions. Here are some that are very common:

1. Why did you come to China?
2. How long have you been in China?
3. How long will you stay?
4. Do you like China?
5. Do you like Chinese food?
6. Can you speak any Chinese?
7. Are you married?
8. What are you looking for in a man? (girls always ask this one)
9. Would you marry a Chinese man? (this is often the follow up to #8)
10. Are you a Chr?
11. Where have you traveled in China?

Less common but actually asked:
1. Do you go to ch every week in America? Why?
2. Why do Americans celebrate Chr-mas?
3. Do you believe in Santa?
4. Do you think Chinese people are beautiful?
5. Would you vote for Obm since he is black? Aren't all black Americans dangerous? (I about fell over with this question. After asking questions myself, I found that this view came from what this person saw in American movies/ hip hop music videos.)
6. Do all American students have sex before marriage "like on tv"? (when I answered "not all", they actually didn't believe me. "Are you sure?" "Yes. I'm pretty sure," I said. "Many do, but not all.")

Another question my students often ask, since I teach freshmen video English, is if I could recommend any good movies for them to watch. So I'm compiling a list of clean and interesting movies that I can recommend when asked. Let me know if you have any suggestions.