I suppose even getting this sick could be considered one of my Valentine blessings, since I finally went to the doctor. Since the visit was long overdue, I received powerful drugs which means that soon I should be feeling better than I have in a very long time. I'm thankful for health insurance, immediate care clinics, and, of course, powerful drugs. But my list of Valentine blessings is long this year. My sister, Leah, sent me two dozen roses of every shade and color: gold, yellow, purple, white, pink, orange. They look and smell fantastic! Mel fixed us a wonderful Valentine meal, complete with candles, decorations, gift bags, sparkling wild berry juice, and gourmet chocolates for dessert. The kids from the Boeke family at church sent specially crafted Valentines to us in the mail. Last, but not least, a package of bizarre and amazing Valentine treats was left on our front porch. The tag said, "If you pick this off the step, you will be my Valentine. Love, Johnny Depp." No, you don't need to call Johnny's wife. It was really from the creative duo of Matt and Amanda.
James Thurber once wrote that "love is what you've been through with somebody." Truly, then, I am surrounded by love. Thank you all.