Thursday, August 03, 2006

Happy Birthday, Dear Karyn

Okay, so a month later, after increasing pressure, I'm going to blog about my 29th birthday.
I truly hadn't expected it to be one of my best birthdays ever, even though I'd been looking forward to having the "golden birthday" ever since I'd moved to the Midwest and heard of such a thing. On my birthday evening, I talked to a friend who expressed it this way, "You are a blessed woman." And he is right.
My family members reached out to express their love from across the miles on that day and sent thoughtful presents and cards. My coworkers celebrated with a wonderful birthday bash. Some of my friends--no, FAMILY here from Morning Star came together in a surprise celebration. My very kind roommate Melody called my mom for a list of my favorite foods which she cooked for about fifteen people. As a transplanted Southerner, I rarely cook southern food (most of my friends won't eat it anyway), but I miss it. Melody made barbequed pork, sweet potatoes, and beans and cornbread. Jane and Bev chipped in the 'nana puddin' and the sweet tea. It was a feast we all enjoyed. Then I was loaded down with fun presents, like extravagantly bright pajamas, lotions, a loaded picnic basket, candles, and Barnes and Nobles gift cards! Henry even brought the backgammon board for a birthday game, but he wasn't in a festive enough mood to let me win. I think I would have enjoyed a party like this at any age, but it was sweeter at 29. My priorities are clearly defined now, and the fellowship of Christian friends is more valuable than any present that I could recieve.
The most wonderful presents were given to me by my cousin Georgia, who is a continual blessing of God to me. She sent money to help me pay for a trip to Iowa the following holiday weekend where I visited with my friends Emily and Daniel and their children. (more to follow in another belated posting) After I returned from that trip, she sent me something that I'd been praying about getting only the day before it arrived: a beautiful leather-bound ESV Bible.
Growing up, I imagined that being 29 would be quite different than my life is now, but while it is different from what I wanted, it is also "exceedingly abundantly" better. I would not have chosen the life I have now, only because even with my over-active imagination I could not have understood the varied and creative ways that God has used to pour out all these blessings on me.

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