Monday, June 04, 2007

Heidi tagged me!

If you know me, you know how I feel about e-mail forwards and internet tag games. But I am doing this just for Heidi. :-)

After posting these rules, each player then lists random facts/habits about herself/himself, then chooses several people to "tag". The player will then list the names of those he/she tags and leaves a comment on their blog.

  • My unfortunate nicknames have included Skinny Britches, Red Witch, Care Bear, and Kitten.
  • My dad was a police captain.
  • I can read very, very quickly.
  • I attended Jeopardy tryouts in high school.
  • I have never had a boyfriend.
  • I am a Southerner without an accent.
  • I have a Taco Bell addiction.
  • I learned to drive at age 23.

I am tagging Beth, Leah, and Georgia.


Heidi said...

Thank you for playing Karyn. Usually I don't either, but I did it for Ann-Marie.

Anonymous said...

Ok.. I thought Care Bear was a cute nickname that Grace started. Nothing "unfortunate" about that. Just something fun to say other than Karyn. At least I always thought it was a cute alternative.

Visual Reflections said...

Not so excied about being tagged but I played anyway! I neverheard Care Bear! How cut is that? Check out my random facts I even used Korean!!

Leah said...

Yeah, I'm with Georgia...CareBear? Must be a Yankee Thing!

Lydia Joyce said...

I like the whole, "I am a Southerner without an accent" deal... I have always wondered why you didn't embrace the charm and power of the Southern Belle. LOL!