Thursday, October 04, 2007

Catching Up

It’s been so long since I’ve written or blogged. The longer that time passes, the more reluctant I am to begin again. “Should I go back and cover all the life events that I’ve missed sharing? Should I pick up where I am now? Does anyone care to hear my ramblings anyway?” But my friend Ann-Marie and her encouraging use of blogging have prodded me into starting again. Just picking up where I am with a few flashbacks to important events of the summer.

My nephew Heath Michael Schubert was born on August 27, and I had the joy of visiting him and his parents a few weeks later. It was a good trip. I enjoyed seeing Beth and Brad’s life there in Colorado. Their church was an encouragement to me and to our family. I loved hearing Brad share the Word two times. This trip helped me get to know him little better. He and Beth are at a challenging stage of life, but he seems to be committed and faithful and growing. They are going to be great parents. The baby, of course, is a cutie—and my mom says he looks just like me. My parents joined us there, which was another great blessing since I haven’t spent time with them in about a year. They are challenging to my heart. They are both so devoted to studying the Word and applying it to every aspect of their lives that I am convicted and encouraged when I am around them. The Lord also encouraged me by allowing me to read a terrific book called “Intimate Faith” about the spiritual disciplines for women. This book, the solid preaching on repentance that we have been hearing at church, our ladies Bible study, and spending time with my parents have all been things that God is using to help me to return to a closer, more obedient walk with Him.

I forgot to mention that I finally finished the repeat classes to receive my Northland diploma, and we celebrated at the Cooks’ with a wonderful dinner with friends. I have piles of thank you notes to finish, but they will never express the gratitude I feel to all those who have helped me with this lengthy project.

There was a dating relationship in my life this summer. I suppose if a relationship is not going to work out, then this was the perfect way for it not to happen. I had several friendly dates with a Christian guy who treated me very well, but when it came time to commit more time and effort into a deeper relationship we both knew that it wasn’t the right thing for either of us. While a mutual breaking off that leaves us friends is ideal in this situation, it also shows just how little spark was there.

Our house situation is always exciting. The four of us are coming and going, and Buddy just hopes that we find time to play with him. The kitchen was repainted, and Annie and Mel are taking off the dining room wallpaper. That room will be repainted and the ceiling fixed in November. This summer, I flexed my repair woman muscles. I replaced the insides of the toilet, and (with expert assistance by Mel) took apart the inside of the freezer to fix the fridge. I have come to believe that many things are possible with patience, tools, and instructions, umm… and slight injuries. So tonight when I go home I will go down into the basement to set mouse and snake traps and to examine the pipe that Joy has reported is leaking. I also need to figure out why the drains are slow in the bathroom. I do wish that I would grow taller, since I have trouble replacing lights in the house. I can’t reach the kitchen light even on my stepladder.


Ann-Marie said...

I care that you're blogging! I'm so glad for the update. I see you almost every week at church and didn't know the half of this!

YOU are always such an encouragement to me. Thanks for the mention, too.

I'm really glad you've been developing handyperson skills - maybe you could teach me?

As for dating, I'm sad in a way because it's tough when things don't work out - but as you noted, better in the end!

(I almost keeled over reading a new entry, or as Heidi says, "Did it stop raining in Mexico yet?" Ha! Ha!

Looking forward to more!

Anonymous said...

Hey Karyn! I just read the last few entries of your blog. As my sweet husband knows, I don't usually read blogs! :) But I'm glad I read this post! However, it makes me sad that we no longer get to spend any time together! But I am happy that you have good friends there...that is so important! Just wanted you to know that I liked your blog! :) Love you & miss you!

Visual Reflections said...


I am glad to see some of Grandpa Raison's skills have rubbed off on someone besides me! You make me proud. How come I didn't know about this casual dating thing. I move to South Korea and you don't tell me something this important, you better not be married when I get back!! Love you and miss you.