Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thankful, So Thankful

Once again, it's been a long while since I blogged.

This morning, I woke very early to a headache and the upstairs neighbor making too much noise again. I returned to bed after medicating myself and waited there for the students' exercise music to start on the loudspeakers outside. "Happy Thanksgiving," I told myself. And suddenly I was swamped with thankfulness.

I look around this comfortable, little apartment with the festive Christmas tree and the messy kitchen. Physically, I have everything I need and pretty much anything I could want, right down to fresh pumpkin to make pie tonight. I'm surrounded by friends that love me and encourage me. My brothers and sisters here are gracious and precious. I get to teach students that try to learn and that randomly take my picture like I'm a superstar. My family and church family are far away geographically but very near in spirit.

And I am forgiven, justified, beloved. I'm part of the Vine. I'm guarded by the Shepherd. I eat the Bread and drink the Water of Life. I have an inheritance and a home. I have a Father, a Brother, a Comforter.

Bless the L, O my soul, and all that is within me! Bless His holy Name!

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