Friday, December 12, 2008

Seven Things

This is for you, Ann-Marie. But I'm going to be a rule-breaker and not tag anyone else. Also, it's taken me days to do this because I just couldn't think of what to put down.

Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their name as well as links to their blog. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Let's keep it short and simple.

1. I love living in China.

2. I'm allergic to lots and lots of things.

3. I no longer have a favorite color.

4. I start to panic after several hours of shopping.

5. I'm passionate about old people, hospitality, and Chinese noodles (dou shou mian is my favorite so far).

6. I love teaching and HATE grading.

7. I already have my daughter's name picked out, so I sure am hoping that some day I have a daughter.


Ann-Marie said...

Thanks for playing along, Karyn! I promise not to tag you for another seven years! Sound good? LOL!

I hope you have a daughter someday, too. Please tell me your name isn't Pollyanna, because I might have to steal it! Hee, hee!

Leah C said...

Of course her name isn't Pollyanna...its Leah :) Love you!

Rainbow said...

I like grading. You should call me to come over and we can bake cookies and grade and watch a movie. That would be fun.

Can I steal? Please! I love doing these sorta things. LOL!

Karyn said...

Rainbow, I should have tagged you! Please steal it. And if I didn't have loads of writing to grade, I'd invite you. How do you feel about grading exams? Maybe next week... :-)

Anonymous said...

Karyn, I love your new Chinese format! Now....some words of wisdom and encouragement! I love you, Mom!