Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Give Me Brown Eyes

Today I'm wearing a green sweater. It's warm and soft and, I just realized this afternoon, matches my eyes. Nope, my eyes haven't changed from boring brown to green. I found myself fighting the monstrous sin of jealousy.

The situation reminds me of that verse about the man who thinks he stands watching out lest he falls, since I really wasn't expecting to fight jealousy today. It's not a sin I often struggle with. But I wasn't watching my attitude and let it sneak up on me. I wasn't being sober and vigilant and alert. Before I knew it, wham! I was flat out jealous.

My dictionary widget says that jealousy is "feeling or showing envy of someone or their advantages or achievements." Envy is "a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck." Yup. Who knew the Spirit works through the dictionary?

What is the cure for jealousy? I'm not an expert, but when I recognized it, I repented. "I know You give out the talents, the situations of life, the gifts. Your goodness to me has always been amazing and above what I deserve. I repent of wanting that person's abilities or life opportunities and return to focusing on You and what you want me to do." I'm guessing the fight isn't over on this one. But for now, I'm thankful and content.

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